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transition city canterbury have acquired two plots - no. 22 and 23 at the pilgrims way site ( just off st augustines road ) we managed to get them for free thanks to george's generosity and the considerable amount of digging needed before we could really get started. i think a fair exchange, it's great that we can start this thing right at the begining and make all our own decisions.looking at the positives ( as we like to do ) we already have rhubarb,rasberries,strawberries and gooseberries and some herbs, we put some potatoes in the ground on the first weekend and have gratefully recieved some free fruit trees. oh, and the soil looks goood.none of us have done this before - out intention is to learn about growing some of our own food, get fit, experience all the good things about working on something collectively. we'd like to prove that all of this can be really good fun. leave a comment or email if you'd like to come along too.
currently sprouting on the window ledge - if there's anything that you'd really like to grow at the allotment then please do get sprouting on your kitchen window ledges until we get the ground ready. i have fifty of these guys so we're probably covered for broccoli !