Thursday 17 June 2010

i got the bike, she's called Britney ( she's a Pashley Britannia).
i ha
ve lots to show you, here's fanny's tomato plants
hey got planted out into the greenhouse - we will take care of them for you fanny.

purple peas are flowering

as is the pomegranate tree

some polyculture in action: purple peas on the left, and then a big old mixture of peas, beans, courgette and squash and sweet peas too. the cds really do work to keep the pigeons and rabbits away.

happy sunny little poached egg plants

sweetcorn, variety ' sparrow' we have about 20 plants
and i've been merrily collecting chamomile and elderflower to dry for tea - i really, really recommend picking some elder flowers and making some fresh tea. this is what it looks like (on the right) and you'll recognise the delicious smell

and all this chamomile ! i picked 4 big bunches and strung them up in the greenhouse to dry.

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